Write-up for a Vehicle

Instructions are below the form (for write-ups to this website or one of the others, this same form is used.)


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Instructions (reading this takes 2 minutes and will make it really easy)

Please keep the information you submit clean. It just looks a lot better for the people who come and look at the vehicle here. All that means is organize it nicely with just a couple things: break it into paragraphs and make any lists (like specs lists) look decent. 

If there’s a field that doesn’t apply (or you don’t know what to write in it), just write “I don’t know” or something. The thing won’t work when you click “submit” unless all the fields are filled out.

Your Name: No explanation needed here, right?

Your Email: Just in case we need to email you. Probably this will never get used.

Post Title: You can name it anything you want. Probably we won’t change it, but sometimes we have to.

Post Tags: The make and model of the vehicle, separated by commas (Peterbilt, 379).

That math is to try to stop fake posts.

Post Category: Pick one (optional).

Post Content: Two things that people like to see here is specs because they want to know what’s in it, and story (whether how you got the vehicle, some of the history of the vehicle, who did the custom work, how the work on it was done, what was the goal of customizing or converting it, what you use it for, or something else). But you can write pretty much anything here. People like to be able to read a bit about a vehicle they like. OH, and see that little arrow thing in the bottom-right-hand-corner of the box? You can click-and-hold that and drag it to make it bigger to type in.

Upload an Image: You need to use at least one image. Maximum 8 images (see that little blue text that says ‘Add another image’? That’s what you click). (By the way, we prefer horizontally-long images (not tall images), because we can share them way easier on social media, and images that are a good size when seen on a computer screen, but whatever you have is fine). And if you have them, include an interior shot or two. People request these a lot.


When we get some ready, we’ll put some example write ups here.