Rolling Barriers for Safer Roads


Rolling barriers are already being used in some countries. Should they have them in North America as well?

Will trucks bounce straight into on coming traffic?

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What is ‘Safety Roller?’

  • ‘Safety Roller’ is a safety fixture that prevents drivers and passengers from fatal accidents by not only absorbing shock energy but also converting shock energy into rotational energy.
  • ‘Safety Roller’ needs to be installed at sites where vehicles are exposed to frequent accidents.
  • ‘Safety Roller’ will safely lead a vehicle back to the road or stop the vehicle by absorbing shock energy.
  • ‘Safety Roller’ will effectively function for drivers to properly control vehicles with its noticeable color and self-luminescence

How Safety Roller Works?

  • Roller absorbs collision shock (shock energy -> rotational energy)
  • Front rail absorbs 2nd shock
  • Back rail absorbs 3rd shock
  • Metal pipe inserted in to strengthen post.

You can buy these things in Thailand or from Thailand at JJ Tech.